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Confidentiality and Safeguarding of Social Security (SSA) Information 448-01-50-15-10

(Revised 3/1/12 ML #3304)

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Federal and state laws and regulations strictly limit the use and disclosure of confidential information received from the Social Security Administration to purposes directly related to the administration of Economic Assistance and Health Care Coverage Programs. The Social Security information received through a computer match is the BEER, BENDEX, IEVS, SVES, TPQY, and SDX. Information provided by SSA remains the property of SSA.


Workers and State office staff will be trained initially when hired and annually thereafter on the requirements of the Privacy Act and Social Security Administration requirements. This training is available through E-Learning.


Policies on confidentiality and safeguarding of information can be found in 448-01-25 – Confidentiality and Safeguarding of Information and 110-01 – Confidentiality located on the County Intranet in the ‘Legal’ folder.
















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